Mikage Daishi and Bato Kannon

Mikage Daishi

Statue of Mikage Daishi is enshrined in the goma altar on the left side of the main hall. After spending many years in Koyasan, he came to Shomyoji here. On November 9th, 2022, we held the Kaihaku memorial service for Mikage Daishi and named it Mikage Daishi. Since then, he has watched over Tokachi.
The figure is Kobo Daishi in the form of a monk who has traveled around the world.

Bato Kannon(horse-headed Kannon)

Statue of Bato Kannon is enshrined in the back left of the goma altar.
Bato Kannon is one of the Six Kannons and is an Incarnation of Kannon Bodhisattva. He is the only one that has an angry face like Myoo.

He has three faces and eight arms and holds a sword, an axe, and a vajra to crush worldly desires.
Because he has a horse head on his head, he is worshiped as Kannon, who prays for the safety and health of livestock and protects him on his journey.